Plan sponsor newsletter
Q3 2024
Check out Wayne Park on 401(k) Real Chat

Wayne Park, our CEO of U.S. retirement, recently sat down with Fred Barstein of to discuss participant outcomes, the convergence of wealth and retirement at the workplace, and John Hancock’s position amidst industry consolidation.
Catch up on legislative developments

As a plan fiduciary, it’s important to stay up to date on what’s happening with Congress, the DOL, and the IRS. Watch our Q2 legislative webinar1 for the latest on:
- The status of SECURE 2.0 guidance
- The DOL’s final fiduciary rule, including initial reactions
- The DOL’s lost and found database proposal
- IRS RMD relief (Notice 2024-35)—and much more
It’s about time—spending and saving habits

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation. And it’s easy to overspend. That’s why, this quarter, we’re focusing on spending and saving habits to help your employees keep their financial goals on track.
Q3 Financial well-being quarterly
- The importance of budgeting for summer activities
- A midyear market update from Emily Roland, co-chief investment strategist for John Hancock Investment Management
- Making the most of Social Security (August)
- Investing in an election year (September)
- National 401(k) Day (September)
Participants can sign up for the webinars at by choosing “Register for a webinar,” under the “Quick links” menu on the login page.
And don’t forget about our advocacy campaigns, which you can easily integrate into your internal communication channels to help reinforce positive saving and planning behaviors. Available in August, this quarter’s campaign will focus on investing in an election year and how participants can make the most of National 401(k) Day.
Visit the It’s about time program page for the complete schedule of upcoming initiatives, sample communications, and to download our available advocacy campaigns.
Build your fiduciary know-how

Our fiduciary webinar1 is filled with insight from our ERISA specialists to help you meet today’s challenges and keep up with a fast-changing regulatory and legislative environment. Topics covered include:
- Expectations for plan fiduciaries
- SECURE 2.0
- Current DOL and IRS enforcement activity
- ERISA litigation trends
If you watch 50 minutes or more, you’ll receive a certificate of completion.
Important disclosures
1 This webinar is not intended to be an exhaustive review of fiduciary duties under ERISA. The objective is to highlight the key responsibilities of a plan fiduciary and present the challenges that plan fiduciaries may face in discharging their duties. John Hancock cannot provide legal advice concerning your plan or your role as plan fiduciary, and the information included should not be taken as such. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, please consult your legal counsel.
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