Plan sponsor newsletter
Q4 2023
We need your census data—here’s why

Your employee census data plays a pivotal role in our ability to service your participants. Without this information, your participants can’t register their accounts online, which means they also can’t:
- Take advantage of our Cybersecurity Guarantee1
- Request online withdrawals
- Access our retirement app and other tools
- Receive personalized communications to help strengthen their financial well-being
So, send or update your employee census data today.
Thank you in advance for helping us help your participants make the most of your retirement plan.
Please contact your John Hancock representative if you have questions or need assistance submitting your census information.
It’s about time—Q4 financial well-being quarterly and participant webinars

The end of the year can be hectic, but there’s still time for participants to make progress on their financial goals. Our latest edition of financial well-being quarterly will include:
- Tips for finishing the year strong
- Budgeting ideas for the holidays
- On-demand education about cybersafety
For participants ages 50 and older, we’ll also be promoting our popular Navigating Medicare webinar to help them learn the basics, while those under age 50 will be encouraged to watch our Understanding the stock market series to help build their investment know-how.2
The Q4 financial well-being quarterly will hit your participants’ inboxes between October 24 and November 17. A copy will be available soon on the It’s about time web page.
What are the DOL’s priorities? What challenges remain with SECURE 2.0?

Watch the replay of our Q3 legislative update to find out. Our ERISA specialists share their insight on:
- SECURE 2.0 and the challenges that remain
- The DOL’s proposed fiduciary regulation
- What the DST Systems retirement plan settlement means for plan fiduciaries like you
- Other legislative and regulatory developments
Important disclosures
1 See the full guarantee for eligibility requirements. The guarantee is available at 2 There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will achieve its objectives.
The content of this document is for general information only and is believed to be accurate and reliable as of the posting date, but may be subject to change. It is not intended to provide investment, tax, plan design, or legal advice (unless otherwise indicated). Please consult your own independent advisor as to any investment, tax, or legal statements made.
John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC provides administrative and/or recordkeeping services to sponsors or administrators of retirement plans as well as a platform of investment alternatives that is made available without regard to the individualized needs of any plan through an open-architecture platform. John Hancock Trust Company LLC provides trust and custodial services to such plans. Unless otherwise specifically stated in writing, John Hancock Retirement Plan Services LLC does not, and is not undertaking to, provide impartial investment advice or give advice in a fiduciary capacity.
© 2023 John Hancock. All rights reserved.
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