Viewpoints about 401(k)
Six reasons to prioritize digital 401(k) learning
Historically, onsite meetings were considered the gold standard for education, but enrollment methods, communication channels, plan designs, and employee expectations have changed. Here are six reasons why online learning may need to play a bigger role in your participant experience.
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ERISA's actual knowledge requirement says what it means and means what it says
The Supreme Court has defined actual knowledge for plan sponsors.
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Helping participants become better at 401(k) investing
Investment trends among defined contribution plan investors, and ideas for providing help, from John Hancock's "State of the participant 2020" study.
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Three questions to ask to get your 401(k) plan on track
Three questions to ask to get your 401(k) plan on track.
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The 2020 401(k) contribution limits and how to use them
The 2020 retirement plan contribution limits from the IRS govern how much can be contributed in different types of tax-favored accounts. These limits can help guide retirement saving and tax planning for the coming year and beyond.
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401(k) tips: designing for decumulation
401(k)s are a powerful accumulation tool, but getting baby boomer participants to retirement without helping them decumulate puts decades of hard work and saving at risk.
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What is a 401(k) plan?
One of the most powerful ways an individual can save for retirement and prepare for a financially confident future is through periodic investment plans offered at work.
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Why invest in your 401(k) plan?
Although the term 401(k) plan can be a bit of a mystery, as your company’s retirement plan, it’s one of the best ways to build your financial future.
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How a 401(k) managed account can help retirement readiness
Deciding how to invest 401(k) plan savings can be challenging and intimidating. Doing it right requires understanding different 401(k) investments and strategies, as well as having the time to track performance and make changes.
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