Viewpoints from John Hancock Retirement

As one of America’s most trusted financial brands, we believe everyone deserves the tools and guidance to achieve financial wellness and retire with confidence. We’ve made retirement plans work for nearly 50 years, and today we’re one of the largest full-service providers in the industry.
At John Hancock, we make retirement plans work.
Three reasons to consider integrating AI into your retirement practice
Wondering if there’s a place for AI in your retirement practice? Learn three ways it could potentially help you grow your business and have more consultative client conversations.
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ERISA 408(b)(2) fee disclosures—not just for your clients’ retirement plans
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 expanded the ERISA 408(b)(2) fee disclosures to include group health plans. Find out why this change is an opportunity for retirement plan professionals.
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Defined contribution plan terminations—what plan sponsors need to know
There’s more to terminating a qualified defined contribution retirement plan than just stopping contributions. Find out what the process involves.
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What the annual 2024 IRS limits mean for your retirement plan
See how much the IRS says you can contribute to retirement plans in 2024.
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How to use investment and account data to help create better investors
A look at where defined contribution plan participants moved their money during a sometimes turbulent period—as well as ways to gauge how your people are investing and help inform their future decisions.
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How participant actions can help or hinder their retirement savings
The behavior of defined contribution plan participants can have a big impact on their retirement outcomes. Here's a look at plan loan, hardship withdrawal, and contribution activity--and tools for addressing them in your plan.
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Financial planning for retirement: a road map for your goals
Find out how using the seven principles of financial planning can help you better plan and save for your retirement.
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Why life insurance can be an important part of your estate plan
Because life insurance is such an important part of estate planning, we'll help you understand the importance of having a policy and outline how to choose a policy, when to consider purchasing, and the part it could play in your overall estate plan.
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Proposed regulations on the use of forfeitures in qualified retirement plans and four best practices
Get clarification on timing and usage of forfeitures in defined contribution plans in light of the IRS’ proposed regulations on the “Use of Forfeitures in Qualified Retirement Plans."
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IRS delays SECURE 2.0 Roth catch-up rules for two years
The IRS has delayed the required implementation of the SECURE 2.0 requirement that catch-up contributions be made on a Roth basis for participants whose FICA wages for the prior year exceeded $145,000.
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