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IRS provides guidance on midyear changes to contributions to 401(k) safe harbor plans
Get the facts about the IRS’s guidance on midyear changes to 401(k) safe harbor contributions.
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How a Paycheck Protection Program loan can help your small business clients
How small businesses can use Paycheck Protection Program loans to make 401(k) contributions
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IRS relaxes rules for obtaining spousal consent for 2020
IRS Notice 2020-42 creates a remote notarization process for retirement plan transactions that require spousal consent. This helps solve problems related to social distancing and COVID-19.
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The new 2020 RMD rules and how they can help your clients
Help your retiree clients understand the RMD waiver in the CARES Act.
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What the DOL’s final rule for electronic delivery means for ERISA retirement plans
The DOL has issued its final rule, and established safe harbor, for electronic delivery of retirement plan communication. Here’s what plan sponsors and financial professionals need to know.
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EBSA provides disaster relief for retirement plans
On April 29, the EBSA, a branch of the DOL, issued EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2020-01, offering relief for plan sponsors and easing certain provisions for companies affected by COVID-19.
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The CARES Act and defined benefit plans: two kinds of relief
The CARES Act addresses the cash liquidity concerns of defined benefit plan sponsors by temporarily loosening funding rules. Here’s a look at the two specific pension provisions.
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Retirement plan professionals: don’t forget about the FFCRA
The FFCRA requires certain employers to provide paid time off for employees who meet specific COVID-19-related criteria, and it contains two provisions of which plan sponsors should be aware.
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The CARES Act’s retirement plan provisions at a glance
The CARES Act provides COVID-19 relief with a new kind of 401(k) withdrawal, relaxed 401(k) loan rules, and an RMD waiver for participants. Here are the key provisions, at a glance.
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The IRS has extended retirement plan deadlines—what plan sponsors need to know
Retirement plan sponsors will be relieved that the deadlines for many retirement plan actions were recently extended to July 15, 2020, by the IRS. We’ll explain some key actions affected by this extension and how they may apply to your plan.
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