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What the DOL’s proposed rule for electronic plan disclosures means for ERISA plans
According to the DOL, clearing the way for eDelivery would deliver both immediate and long-term benefits to retirement plan sponsors and participants. Get details on the DOL’s plan to lower retirement plan costs by providing a more comprehensive safe harbor for electronic plan disclosures.
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Four things you should know about the SECURE Act
The SECURE Act was signed into law late in 2019. This article summarizes four things we think you should understand about it.
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The 2020 401(k) contribution limits and how to use them
The 2020 retirement plan contribution limits from the IRS govern how much can be contributed in different types of tax-favored accounts. These limits can help guide retirement saving and tax planning for the coming year and beyond.
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What you need to know about the new regulations on 401(k) hardship distributions
On September 23, the IRS published final regulations on hardship distributions in the Federal Register. The following is our summary of the changes that apply to 401(k) plans, as well as John Hancock’s perspective on how to proceed with both the mandatory and optional provisions.
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The SECURE Act’s intended impact on 401(k) plans
Just before Memorial Day, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the SECURE Act with massive bipartisan support.
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