Plan design
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How to use expense projections to add definition to retirement readiness
Expense coverage projections add a whole new dimension to the concept of retirement readiness. See how the calculations work, how current participants measure up, and how you can use this and other key benchmarks to help improve retirement outcomes.
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How participant actions can help or hinder their retirement savings
The behavior of defined contribution plan participants can have a big impact on their retirement outcomes. Here's a look at plan loan, hardship withdrawal, and contribution activity--and tools for addressing them in your plan.
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Fund mapping 101: options for defined contribution plan conversions
Get to know three ways of moving the assets from one plan provider to another, and how to minimize disruption and even prioritize retirement readiness in the process.
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How prepared are preretirees on their journey to retirement?
Given today's economic challenges, are older workers financially prepared to face the expenses of their retirement years? Here's what the data in our recordkeeping database showed us.
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A trick to boosting employee engagement in your retirement plan
Learn when the most effective time to engage with participants about your plan and its features may be and how to tailor your messaging to their unique needs.
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Three steps to help you create a competitive retirement plan
In today's tight labor market, your retirement plan benefits could be a key reason why an employee joins or stays with your organization. Consider these steps to help ensure your plan stands out from the competition.
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Steps to setting up your small business 401(k)
Key steps in establishing a 401(k) plan and tailoring the plan design to meet the needs and objectives of a smaller enterprise and its employees.
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Where retirees are moving their 401(k) savings—and how to help them
It’s crucial for DC plan participants who are leaving their employer to do the right thing with their retirement savings. As part of our "State of the participant 2022" research, we looked at what workers who left their plans in 2021 did with their savings.
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Is a nonqualified plan right for your business?
A nonqualified deferred compensation (NQDC) arrangement can be an effective talent acquisition and retention tool. But how you optimize plan design can depend on your business objectives. Here are a few questions that can help you determine if an NQDC plan may be right for your business.
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To fund or not to fund—that is the nonqualified plan question
Nonqualified plans aren’t subject to many ERISA regulations, which may create more plan design flexibility and when it comes to funding the plan, you have two options—unfunded or informally funded. Let’s compare the two.
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