Viewpoints about Retirement planning
Pay off student loans or save for retirement—can I do both?
On one hand, you’re making student loan payments every month. On the other, your employer’s retirement plan seems too good to pass up. How do you balance both of these important financial needs? Here are four tips that might help.
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Your retirement withdrawal strategy—four tips for managing inflation
When’s the last time you reviewed your retirement withdrawal strategy? If left unchecked, it could deplete your savings faster than you expected due to rising prices and changing economic conditions. Learn four tips for managing the effects of inflation on your retirement income strategy.
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Where retirees are moving their 401(k) savings—and how to help them
It’s crucial for DC plan participants who are leaving their employer to do the right thing with their retirement savings. As part of our "State of the participant 2022" research, we looked at what workers who left their plans in 2021 did with their savings.
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Understanding your Social Security spousal benefits after divorce
You may be planning to receive Social Security benefits from your spouse’s working career. But what happens to the retirement income you were counting on in the event of divorce? You still have options.
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Can I take money from my 401(k)?
Saving for retirement is a long-term investment, and it’s natural to want to be able to take money out of your 401(k) if you need it. Find out the different 401(k) withdrawal options you may have while you’re working and when you change jobs.
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Four questions to help you plan your retirement income
Retirement is a time of change. And one of the biggest changes is no longer receiving a paycheck from an employer. In retirement, you pay yourself—your savings accounts and retirement plans generally become the sources of your income. And that takes some planning. Answering these four questions can help you get started.
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Critical ages for retirement planning: Social Security benefits and more
Your 50th birthday may have felt like a big milestone, and it was—you’re a half centennial! While you still have many more to look forward to, there are other key milestones you should be aware of to help get your retirement finances in order.
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Four ratios to help keep your personal finances on track
When you’re managing your personal finances, you may come across ratios you don’t understand. But some of them can make it easier to get your finances in order, and, knowing how to use these ratios can help you achieve your financial goals.
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What you should know before taking Social Security
If you’re getting close to retirement, you’re probably thinking about when you should start your Social Security payments. Determining when affects your monthly income for the rest of your life. Learn what you need to know before you apply for Social Security benefits.
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Personalize your retirement planning
Picturing your retirement can be fun, and it can help you understand how much you need to save for the retirement you want.
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