Viewpoints about Retirement savings
Accessing your 401(k) money—withdrawals, loans, and hardships
The money in your retirement accounts is intended for, well, retirement. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t access it if you need to. How you take your money out of your retirement account prior to retiring depends on several factors. The point is that you may have options—let’s go through them.
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How to get your retirement savings on track
Are you wondering if you should start putting money aside for retirement or if you’re saving enough? It's never too soon to start planning for your retirement. Here are some benefits of saving for retirement and strategies to help keep you on track.
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Not ready to quit? Try partial retirement
You’ve worked a long career and you’re getting close to retirement—or maybe you’re already there. If you’re not ready to stop working , you may want to consider a partial retirement to remain involved at work or break out and learn something new while you stay social and make some money.
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What to do with your retirement plan savings when you leave your employer
You have several options for your 401(k) plan when you change jobs or retire, but it's important to be aware of the opportunities and drawbacks of each option.
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How combining accounts can help with your retirement savings
There’s no limit on the number of retirement accounts you can own. But having multiple accounts can be a lot to manage, so you may want to consider combining them into a single account.
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What’s an employer match?
Learn about your retirement plan match and how it can help you save.
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Your retirement savings account needs a regular care routine, too
Learn how to help secure your retirement account.
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Five steps to help you meet your retirement savings goal
Today, most of us experience some level of financial stress, but no matter where you are in your personal life, there are simple steps you can take to help relieve some of that pressure and get in better position to meet your long-term goals.
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